Friday, July 9, 2010

steganography techniques

Here i present some important point regards Steganography and its techniques

What is Steganography?

Steganography is the science and art of hiding data in communication.

In the olden days , people used invisible ink and hidden tattoos to pass hidden Steganographic content. Now a days, computer and network technologies give us easy-to-use communication channels for Steganography.

Difference Between Steganography and Other technologies

Steganography & Cryptography

Steganography and Cryptography are two distinct techniques, however, they can be used together to add an extra layer of security.

Basically, Steganography techniques conceal the existence of hidden messages, while cryptography techniques don’t.

Steganography & watermarking

Watermarking allows us to prevent infringers from stealing our document rights.

Watermarks are explicit; everyone can see them.

Steganography is used to protect papers’ copy rights without watermarking.

Major Techniques Used in Steganography is

1.Word shifting.

2.Line shifting.

3.Feature coding

And There are two major word shifting techniques

1. Shifting spaces.

2.Shifting specific words

1.Shifting spaces

Shifting a word by one point represents a “0”, while shifting it by two points represents a “1”


We want to hide : “0110110” in :

We explore new steganographic and cryptographic algorithms and techniques throughout the world to produce wide variety and security in the electronic web called the Internet.

2.Shifting specific words

The words we want to stress out are shifted by one point, that is expanding the space before them and condensing the space after them by one point.


We explore new steganographic and cryptographic algorithms and techniques throughout the world to produce wide variety and security in the electronic web called the Internet.

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